Anthony’s Story: A Go-To Resource for a Family

Anthony is the married father of three children and primary bread-winner for his family.  When he was faced with mounting debt and stress, he was at a loss for where to turn.  That’s when he found Sound Outreach.

“Several years ago I was severely in debt. We were behind on our mortgage and suffering from the stress that inevitably accompanies this. I did not know where to turn. That is when I came across an email for South Sound Outreach. I scheduled a meeting with them to discuss any options that might help my family. They welcomed me with open arms and ideas for a solution. They showed me how to budget our income, how to understand and fix our credit, how to access government grants and funds, how to tap into mental and physical health resources and so much more. They completely turned my personal and financial situation around in a positive direction. They continue to be my “go to” resource for almost anything I need. They will also help you secure the most optimum employment position, as they did with my wife, as well as help her personally apply for assistance in areas. They have many employment connections and can show you how to thrive in your current career. Overall I would highly recommend South Sound Outreach as your number 1 resource for personal, family and financial well being and future. If you need help, like my family did, do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call them today. Give yourself the best chance possible to get on the right path. Go with South Sound Outreach.”