A Story of RISE – Learn how our client Clay has worked with Employment Specialist Joseph Denton to make strides in his professional journey. Photo by: Matthew G via Flickr
Clay entered the Sound Outreach’s Resources to Initiate Successful Employment (RISE) Program in May 2017. Prior to his enrollment he had been unemployed five years, homeless for four of those years, and been in and out of jail. He attributes his inability to gain and maintain employment as a direct result of his ongoing battle with addiction, mental illness, and unresolved trauma.
“Before coming to Sound Outreach, I didn’t know what opportunities existed for me. Through working with this organization I was able to learn about several. Not only that, but I was also given some of the tools I needed to create opportunities for myself. I finally see that success is something I can achieve. Sound Outreach is a major influence in that discovery.”
Sound Outreach transferred Clay from RISE into the Center for Strong Families program where, for two years, he will have continued access to support in financial counseling and career development.
“Clay is an incredibly kind, ambitious, and bright young man who gave everything he had in an attempt to change his life for the better,” said Joseph Denton, Clay’s RISE caseworker. “Clay is a warrior.”
Since focusing on his recovery and keeping it his No. 1 priority, Clay has made huge progress. He recently celebrated nine months of continuous recovery.
That progress has helped Clay maintain his current job while simultaneously attending a six-week life skills hosted by Worksource Tacoma entitled, Strategies for Success. Coming from a diverse background in the Culinary Arts with “Sous Chef” on his resume, he quickly became gained part-time employment working as a line chef.
Upon completion of the Worksource program, Clay identified a career path of either Human Services or Medical Services. Driven by the need to help those less fortunate, he accepted an internship with Pierce Co. Aids Foundation (PCAF). He voluntarily provides outreach, educational, prevention services for our community.
Clay’s future ambitions are to continue his volunteer work at PCAF and he has enrolled in Tacoma Community College to begin his education in Nursing. Right now, he’s taking important steps on the way toward that goal. He works as a server at a Tacoma restaurant and is saving for his first car.
Thank you to Joseph Denton, Clay’s caseworker, for the text to this story!
Creative Commons-licensed photo courtesy of Matthew G.