Brian W.’s Story

Sometimes the stars align. That is what happened with Brian and his wife, Nichole. Brian is a program manager at Valeo Vocation. One day, Sound Outreach was making a presentation at Valeo and invited the staff to also contact a financial counselor for a one-on-one client intake session. This is exactly what Brian had been searching for! Brian and Nichole were stable with their finances, but he knew they needed help to get them on the road to thriving! Their immediate goal was to work on budgeting and improving their credit scores. By meeting regularly with their financial counselor and following their lead, Brian and Nichole were able to increase both of their credit scores. Brian’s credit improved from 596 to 607 and Nichole’s from the high 500’s to a 740! In addition, Brian’s Financial Health Assessment improved from 56 to 60!

The next goal is to get 3 months of emergency savings. The dream is to start a savings fund for their children so that when they turn 25 they will get $25K.

Brian is so grateful for the support he got from his counselor. Having someone help keep him accountable and giving him the tools is what motivated Brian to see his financial health in a new light.